Thursday, February 8, 2007

Oprah, "The Secret", and Life

I watched The Secret on YouTube last night.

Then watched The Oprah Show today which was all about The Secret.

The Secret is really no secret at all. It is the wisdom of the ages, which anyone, anywhere can discover themself. Most of it I have taught and shared in coaching and counseling sessions. It has to do with setting yourself free from the grip of whatever steals life from you.

When you understand The Secret you have the power to live. Like Tevya in Fiddler on the Roof you can sing and celebrate no matter how difficult your immediate circumstances. Sing it. To life, to life, LaChaim. Sing it over and over again. Celebrate the breath of life within you. Celebrate your immeasurable worth to God, the Great Creater of the Universe. Celebrate until you perceive the burdens of the day as just that -- burdens of the day -- with no power over you, your dreams, or your tomorrows.

I watched The Secret last night. Already I feel the blockages in my life lifting. I see and feel my dreams coming alive again. I am visualizing the path ahead. And not only that, I am gaining the power and confidence to take that first step down that path to wholeness, completeness, and Shalom. TO LIFE.!

Love and God's Blessing

The Blue Heron

PS: Check out my friend Karen's site, Cinching with Karen. Obviously she's enjoying the new vitality her Journey Toward Fitness is bringing her. Wow. TO LIFE.! Karen.

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