Sunday, February 11, 2007

CyberTale 17 - Add Venture

This morning our preacher spoke about attitude and how much of a difference attitude makes in the way things turn out in our lives.

Does attitude make a difference? I think so.

As she spoke I remembered one of my favorite passages from the Bible, the one that challenges me to think about "whatever is true, honorable, just, pure, etc."

It seems I always have to remember to smell the roses, when it might as well be a part of my everyday life. Speaking of everyday life and how to live it with energy and excitement, here's the CyberTale I promised yesterday.


Add Venture to your life. Do it immediately.
Do it your way. That’s ok.
Venture forth. Venture inward, outward, upward.

Go for it.
Only you can be you. You are one of a kind.

Memorial service last week.
Family, friends remembered Mom & Dad.
Can’t tell you what they said.

But as they spoke they pieced together the riddle
of Mom…
of Dad…
of Mom and Dad together…
venturing out, venturing on, venturing home.
I was inspired.

I thought, “Where shall I venture? Will the choice be mine?
Am I willing, ready, eager to add Venture to my life today?”


Continuing on the subjects of adventure, right thinking, daily practice, and getting back to the original subject of Excellence, here's an audio file about The Shaklee Difference*. It explains Shaklee's 50-year, everyday Venture Toward Excellence. I hope that you will not only be able to open it (I use media player) but that you will also find it encouraging. TO LIFE.!

Love and God's Blessings

The Blue Heron

PS: *Thanks to the Global Success Team, an international marketing team, marketing Shaklee Products and Business Opportunity in North America and Asia, for making the audio file available.


Dale said...

Our preacher and Cindy Latham on the audio file graduated from the same High School. How cool is that?

jody said...

Sounds like a great sermon. I feel so fortunate to have had the father I had. So much of the person I became came to be from his teachings. But why I mention him is that throughout my life, whenever I am uncomfortable, like cold or hungry, or when I am feeling depressed (instead of my normal happy self ;-) I ALWAYS stop and think, I am so fortunate, I could have real problems, I think what it was like for the boys in prison camp, and I realize I don't have a clue what really cold or hungry is, I could have real depressing problems instead of just a frame of mind I allowed myself fall into. And it makes me feel totally blessed in this life. Warm when I am cold, hunger goes away, and to stay depressed is an insult to God when he has given me so much to be happy and grateful for.

Hey and if you want to read about MY HERO!!! ;-)