Monday, January 29, 2007

The Blue Heron is born

Finally.! This is so cool. The Blue Heron has life, yes!!

A few stories to tell. Lots of questions and new learnings. And - Plenty of room for you.

I need to learn more about natural nutrition. about health. about taking care of the planet. I'm losing weight. Practice yoga. Moved to a town of 270 people, perfect for me. I love stories about God at work in the world. I call them Blue Heron stories - more about that tomorrow. I'm studying the Chinese language, thinking about getting my passport. Tons more.

In the Broadway plan Fiddler on the Roof Tevya and the other men sing a song LaChaim, to Life. I think that's what it is called. To life, to life, LaChaim. From the day I saw that play in New York (maybe 1973 or 74) that phrase, to life, to life, LaChaim has been sort of a mantra for me.

Now The Blue Heron has life. And it's dedicated, dedicated TO LIFE.

Love and God's Blessing,

The Blue Heron

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Also in The Fiddler on the Roof" he sings "Tradition, Tradition". Sometimes tradition gets in the way of new things and ideas.